Employer Features

First Staff Benefits offers extremely customizable benefit plans, administrative simplicity, various enrollment options, and first-rate customer service. We will help you provide these benefits to help recruit and retain valuable long term employees.

We also provide Gap Administration, this allows an insured to go up to five consecutive weeks between assignments (or paychecks) without having to pay premium and keep their coverage. This provides the flexibility employees need while they are between job assignments.

First Staff Benefits offers both fully-insured and self-funded plan options to meet your employee’s needs and to satisfy ACA requirements. We also offer Affordable alternatives to major medical plans that provide employees with meaningful benefits despite the rising cost of traditional medical insurance.

Enrollment Options

First Staff Benefits makes enrolling in our benefit plans stress-free by offering numerous enrollment options.

Online Enrollment | Telephonic Enrollment | Paper Enrollment | Spreadsheet Submission | EDI File Transfers

Administrative Simplicity

First Staff Benefits has taken all of the work off your hands with our administrative platform. It’s as simple as submitting your payroll file to us along with payment and you’re done. We do the work for you!

Exceptional Customer Service

First Staff Benefits has a bilingual customer service staff with extended hours available year round and a dedicated team to assist you with plan design, enrollment, and implementation. You will have continued daily support from one of our First-rate Account Managers from start to finish.

Unique Products

We offer completely customizable benefit plans to fit your business and employee’s needs. We offer more than just benefits, we offer Affordable Care Act (ACA) and ERISA Compliance.

First Staff Benefits also offers Gap Premium Forgiveness Administration allowing the employees to miss up to 5 consecutive premium payments and still keep coverage.

Reach Out

First Staff Benefits Team Members are waiting to help.

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Sales Phone Number
(865) 773-7676

Office Hours

8:00am – 5:00 pm EST

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